Which are the best six movies to watch if you’re a car enthusiast?

Automobiles have been in movies for as long as there have been cars. Sometimes a film’s whole focus is on vehicles, which makes them particularly appealing to car enthusiasts–with or without black box car finance! In this article, we’ll look at some of the movies you should watch if you haven’t previously!
In 60 seconds, he was gone
H.B. Halicki’s 1974 film Gone in 60 Seconds is a jumble of stitched-together automotive sequences and stunts united by language that tries to express a complicated plot about a group of thieves robbing a load of cars; it’s practically unwatchable.
The remake is practically the opposite of the original: a gleaming, Jerry Bruckheimer-produced, star-studded heist drama that is easy to watch and enjoy. Nicolas Cage portrays an expert burglar stealing 50 cars in 96 minutes. Actors such as Robert Duvall and Angelina Jolie have collaborated with him. The car chases are ridiculous, but they’re also hilariously amusing.
The Greatest Show on Earth. Directed by Ron Howard and starring Daniel Brühl and Chris Hemsworth, is a hugely entertaining biopic about Formula One drivers Niki Lauda (Daniel Brühl) and James Hunt (Chris Hemsworth) in the 1970s (Chris Hemsworth). Because the director paints in broad strokes, he pits these two personalities against one other as opposed figures: the Nerdy Scrivener and the Easygoing Hedonist, to name a few.
The two protagonists are fantastic, and they help keep the pretty standard plot of heated competition on a firm foundation. We are treated with enormous boldness. And wild sequences as their rivalry — and, by implication, their relationship — deepens. These sequences effectively illustrate the peril and fascination of motor racing. We’ll know when we see it.
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Ferrari vs Ford
Early-’60s attempts by Carroll Shelby (Matt Damon) and Ken Miles (Christian Bale) to build an American race car that could beat Ferrari at the 24-hour race at Le Man’s feature expertly written gearhead technospeak that coexists with intense driving sequences that will have you feeling like you’re right there with the characters in James Mangold’s adaptation.
The show’s real stars are the vehicles. Which are often shot from the inside out to create an extraordinarily immersive image. Bale offers one of his best performances as Miles, and Tracy Letts’ portrayal of Henry Ford II flips breathtakingly between alpha male bluster and weak-kneed awe.
While other vehicle films have gone in strange and self-consciously artificial ways. This one stays on firm ground, with stunning results: it’s the classic car film transformed into a modern-day blockbuster.
Speed Racer is a racing game
It’s tough to find the right words to describe Lana and Lilly Wachowski’s adaptation of the popular 1960s anime series. This is like being trapped inside a kaleidoscope for two hours in the best possible way; it’s like watching a movie in slow motion. To call this “live-action” would be a disservice to its swirling kineticism, its eye-popping colours, its intricate, wildly emotional narrative, and its lightning-fast pacing.
The filmmakers are well aware that the original film’s popularity was based more on cartoon spectacle and great emotional intensity than on autos. As a result, they make little attempt to make it authentic; in fact, their Speed Racer appears to be even more fake than the series itself.
The groundbreaking effects produce a separate state of being from either pure animation or pure live-action. This is the first time something like this has ever happened. You’re unlikely to see anything else like it in your life because it was a flop.
Fury Road is a film directed by George Miller
Blending director George Miller’s pitch-black dystopian visions with highly stylized filmmaking and mind-blowing. Real-life car stunts to create one of cinema’s most intense and memorable experiences.
The dystopia is much darker this time around. The filming is much more stylized, and the stunts are even more insane. Despite this, what’s truly astonishing about Fury Road is how much we learn about these characters and the terrifying environment in which they find themselves amid its relentless, explosive action sequences (and this is a film that rarely appears to slow down).