The world is going digital, and so are we. With the Internet becoming accessible on mobile devices and desktops, it’s a great time to be online. But with the increasing number of users online at once, the Internet has slowed down considerably.
How can you speed up your connection, and return to a state where video chat is smooth and fast, not stuttered? Follow these seven tips and boost your connection by 50%. Read on to find out how you can increase your net speed by 50% in 7 steps!
Steps to Increase your Internet Speed
Knowing how to increase your internet speed can make a lot of difference. Here are all the steps you can follow to increase your internet speed.
Change DNS
The Domain Name System (DNS) links IP addresses to the URLs and websites we use every day. While it is one of the most important parts of the Internet, it’s also one of the most overlooked. A change in DNS server can improve your browsing experience significantly. But most people don’t even know that it’s possible to change DNS servers. A change in DNS can boost your net speed by 50%. And it’s one of the easiest changes you can make.
You’ll need to find the DNS servers that are right for you, but once you do. You’ll be able to enjoy faster browsing and streaming. There are many DNS servers that you can choose from, but some are definitely better than others. Google DNS and OpenDNS are both reputable servers, and are good choices if you want to boost your net speed. If you can, use a VPN while browsing as well, as it will also protect your data, and you can use a DNS server from your country.
Change Providers
If you’ve tried everything and nothing seems to work then you need to change providers. All you have to do is go online and search for “best internet service providers near me.”
Once you have a list of best internet service providers, compare plans, prices, and offerings. You’ll easily be able to find a plan that works well. Moreover, you can even ask your friends and family about the provider they’re using.
Change Wi-Fi Channel
Wi-Fi is a fantastic technology, but it’s not without its drawbacks. One of the biggest issues people face with Wi-Fi is interference from other wireless devices in the area, such as cordless phones, microwaves, and even Bluetooth. One way to combat this is to change your Wi-Fi channel.
Different areas have different Wi-Fi channels, and the clearest channel for your home is Channel 1. Upgrading your router and also changing the Wi-Fi channel can allow you to boost your bandwidth and net speed by 50%. It might seem like a drastic change to make, but it’s one that can bring significant benefits to your connection.
Turn on Ad Blocking
As the Internet has become increasingly popular, so too have the number of advertisements that people face online. While some ads are useful and interesting, many are just plain annoying, and can make browsing a chore. Turning on ad blocking software can cut out these unnecessary ads, and allow you to enjoy a faster browsing experience.
You’ll be able to load web pages much quicker as you won’t have to wait for advertisements to load. And you’ll also use less data, which will help to reduce your monthly bill. Turning on ad blocking software is a great way to speed up your connection, and boost your net speed by 50%. With less ads loading on your computer, you’ll be able to browse and load pages much quicker. And without the need for an ad blocker like Adblock Plus. You might also be able to see more ads from businesses in your area that you might actually want to support!
Install a VPN
A virtual private network (VPN) is a software solution that allows you to connect to a remote server. Usually in another country, and browse the internet as if you were there. This is great because it allows you to bypass censorship and Geo-restrictions. And it also helps to boost your net speed.
Using a VPN service can increase your net speed by 50%, and it has other benefits too, such as added security, privacy and more. There are many reputable VPN providers that are completely free to use and don’t require you to sign up for a subscription.
Because a VPN uses a remote server, it means that you don’t have to rely on the local Wi-Fi network to speed up your connection. You can simply connect to the remote server. And you’ll be able to enjoy a faster browsing experience, no matter where you are. You should use a VPN if you want to protect your connection from hackers. It also allows you to access content from other countries, such as sporting events and movies. Using a VPN can increase the net speed by 50%.
Update Your Router Firmware
Upgrading the firmware on your router is a great way to increase your connection. You can upgrade your router firmware to include features such as automated backups, better security and the ability to prioritize devices on your network. All of these are great for improving your connection, and upgrading your router firmware can boost your net speed by 50%.
You don’t need to sign up for a subscription service to upgrade your router, as many routers now have an option to upgrade the firmware from the admin panel. If this doesn’t work, you can also find a list of the latest router firmware on third party websites, such as the OpenWRT router database. You can also sign up for a VPN service to boost your net speed by 50%.
Add Ethernet Cables
Ethernet cables are a tried and tested way to boost your connection, and it’s a great way to take your home network to the next level. If you have devices, such as a laptop, desktop or printer, that are close together and use a lot of data, you can use Ethernet cables to create a wired connection between them.
Adding Ethernet cables to your home networking setup allows you to prioritize your devices and get the most out of your connection. You’ll be able to use Ethernet cables to create a wired connection between your devices and the router, which will boost your connection, and it can boost your net speed by 50%.
You can also use Ethernet cables to link your devices together, such as linking a laptop to a desktop computer. This is particularly useful if you’re using a Wi-Fi connection.
The world is going digital, and so are we. With the Internet becoming accessible on mobile devices and desktops, it’s a great time to be online. But with the increasing number of users online at once, the Internet has slowed down considerably. How can you speed up your connection, and return to a state where video chat is smooth and fast, not stuttered? Follow these seven tips and boost your connection by 50%.