How not lose your keys again?

It must have happened to you before when leaving the house. You forget to get your hands on your keys. You redo your last route. You empty all your pockets, your bags, you even check in the refrigerator. But there is even worse: losing your keys outside and having to call a locksmith to get home. So that this ordeal remains anecdotal, we give you 6 tips to avoid losing your keys.
1 – Attach your keys
The first solution to no longer lose your keys and avoid stress shots is to tie them up. Then, you can attach them to a keychain large enough to find in your bag or pocket easily. Do not hesitate to use a chain to connect your keys to the loop of your pants. You can also attach this chain to your handbag. A simple carabiner also does the job very well. If you always have to keep a keychain on you, consider the neck keychain. This type of accessory is particularly recommended for children.
2 – Have a dedicated space
It is well known as “a place for everything and everything in its place.” It is the best way to know where your things are, including your keys. At home, place a storage compartment in the entrance or attach a wall key panel with hooks. You will quickly get used to store your keys there. When you leave the house, always put your keys in the same pocket as your pants or jacket. If you use a handbag, dedicate a zipped pocket inside to store your keys.
3 – Use a connected key fob
New technologies provide many services. For example, to avoid losing your keys, treat yourself to a connected key ring. You will choose between a radio frequency key fob and a Bluetooth key fob.
How does the radio frequency key fob work? You hang the receiver on your keys, and you keep the transmitter on you, which comes in the form of small remote control. When looking for your keys, press the button on the transmitter, and your keys will ring. It works within a limited radius.
The other type of connected key fob works with Bluetooth technology. Again, you’ll need to clip a receiver to your keychain. The transmitter will be your smartphone. In addition to ringing your keys, it will allow you to geolocate them or show you their last known position, depending on the radius in which you are. It will make your research easier. The advantage of this device is that it works in the opposite direction. Have you lost your smartphone? Use your keychain to ring it!
4 – Keep a double on you
Have you lost your keys and need to hire a professional to get home? First, check the hourly rate of a locksmith. However, you could avoid his intervention if you keep a simple duplicate of your key with you. Store this emergency key in your wallet, purse, glove box of your car, in a pocket in your handbag. In short, in a place accessible at any time of the day or night.
5 – Leave a duplicate with someone you trust
Have you put all the tips above into practice yet still lost your keys? To not have to change the lock on the 3-point front door, there is still a solution: leave a set of your keys with someone you trust. It could be a neighbor, family member, or friend. Thus, they can get you out of this mess when the time comes.
6 – Forgetting your keys permanently
Does this trick seem strange to you? And yet the best way to stop losing your key is to stop having them. How? ‘Or’ What? By installing a biometric lock. These are not just for professionals. Your lock obeys your finger and your eye because it works thanks to your fingerprint or your retina. In addition, this type of lock represents a high level of security.
If you still need a locksmith Tampa repair service, do not hesitate to call All In One Locksmith.