1. SimCity Build It( Android, iOS)
Then’s a mobile Games megacity builder that’s actually tons of fun. You begin by erecting lower areas and roads and sluggishly upgrading to bigger and better metropolises. With time you ’ll be suitable to indeed set up a seaport and indeed an field to trade particulars in and out. piecemeal from that, you ’ll also have to manage your megacity’s residers by tending to their requests like they might need new stores or indeed want other installations similar as premises and entertainment zones.
You also have to manage and produce colorful kinds of coffers that will be needed for other effects in the game. And oh, you can also visit your friend’s megacity and partake a many coffers with them. Overall, it’s a great and delightful game, but yes it does get a bit boring at some point in time. Available as a free- to- play game on the Play Store and App Store with in- app purchases if you wanted to get commodity hastily. The game is developed by EA and has been launched in 2014. If you want to enjoy structure games on Mobile also SimCity is the stylish game like metropolises Skylines that you can try.
2. Surviving Mars( PC)
nearly the maturity of the megacity- structure games are set on Earth, piecemeal from this. Just as the title suggests, you ’ll be erecting up a megacity right over at Mars. You ’ll be planning around how people will be living, maintaining coffers, and other development as well. Since you ’ll be on Mars, your megacity folks will be living under big polls that not only help them, but also cover them from colorful space attacks similar as aliens, and other natural stuff like asteroids, meteorites, and thingamabob.
You ’ll have to insure that Oxygen force is continued or differently your megacity folk start to suffer and maintain colonies on the huge chart. Yes, this is a megacity- structure survival game. Great game with a conception analogous to metropolises Skylines game, do check it out. It’s available for purchase on the Epic Games Store and on Steam as well.
3. Frostpunk( PC)
Coming in the list of games like simcity Skylines, we’ve Frostpunk. structure and maintaining the only left civilization in super extreme rainfall conditions can be a challenge and that’s what Frostpunk brings to the table. You and your people have to make a safe zone area that will cover you from all harsh effects.
Since you ’ll be the only person along with your megacity residers on the earth z it’s up to you to make wise use of the limited coffers that are available to keep the population alive. The game throws you into the future which might feel like it due to coffers exhausting and nature being as harsh as it can. The game is available for purchase on Steam.
4. Anno 2070( PC)
The games from the Anno series are delightful and addicting games. You may formerly know Anno as it’s a popular structure game analogous to metropolises Skylines. You get to make up colorful societies throughout the series. With Anno 2070 you’re pushed into the future with further than half of the earth getting eroded. The delightful part begins when you have to begin a civilization, manage husbandry, prepare for Wars, and other effects.
Since it’s grounded in the future, you indeed have the liberty to make aquatic metropolises and earn colorful prices each time you complete atask.However, also the aged Anno games are a great way tore-live the yesterdays, If you love history and aged centuries. Check it out on Steam.
5. Final Earth 2( Android, Web)
Final Earth 2 is another stylish game like metropolises Skyline that we recommend trying. This is n’t your regular purchase and download game. You can play this game right through your device’s web cybersurfer. It’s a 2D pixel art game that lets you make and manage your megacity in the near future.
Your job is to restore the mortal population by erecting colorful structures. Yes, you have workers who ’ll do the job for you. You get to make structures similar as small hooches
and houses for people to stayin.However, also this is the game to try out, If you love playing antique 2D nominated pixel games z that too for free. The bigger the screen, the better you ’ll be suitable to enjoy it. It’s also available to play on Android.
6. City Mania Town Building Game( Android, iOS)
This is another delightful little game you can play for free. It’s analogous to SimCity Build It, but much better. Of course, you ’ll be erecting and developing a nice little city and all that. But you also get to choose from colorful characters. Yes, you can mix up characters and let them enjoy as well. You can indeed order a lot of people for colorful jobs and indeed make popular monuments too.
The game is set in the ultramodern 21st century which has all the popular stuff and trends similar as selfies and indeed hoverboards. Quite a fun game to play with your musketeers if you like metropolises Skylines. Developed by Gameloft, you can play this free game on Android and iOS.
7. Megapolis( Android, iOS)
Then’s a game if you ’ve ever conceited
of being a city diary and director and wanted your city to have the stylish of the veritably stylish. You can begin construction of colorful diligence, airfields, military bases, and indeed monuments alongside your megacity structure. utmost of the game plot is analogous to metropolises Skylines game.
As a mayor, you ’ll be overlooking everything that goes around in the megacity, from scientific institutions to rocket centers. Plus, you can indeed contend with other Mayors in colorful events that are being held from time to time. Playable for free on Android and iOS.
8. Tropico 6( PC)
Ever wanted to rule a whole nation as a oppressor and run the nation as and how you please? also look no further than Tropico 6. One of the stylish megacity- structure simulators out there that you can play on and on and noway get wearied.
Like all the megacity structure games like cities skylines, you can make, supervise and control everything. You can make the people work to induce further income and if you wish you could indeed export a lot of stuff. A delightful political, megacity- structure simulation game that you must try. It’s worth trying. Check it out on Steam.
9. Aven Colony( PC)
You do n’t always have to be erecting your dream megacity on Earth. Aven Colony lets you make a full- fledged megacity in an unknown land nearly out there in space. You make all the introductory installations that you can with the help of coffers that are available on this vacated land.
Once your megacity starts growing and megacity residers ’ demands for colorful effects increase, you can also grow and strengthen your military base and prepare them in case of colorful alienated attacks and indeed going out and ahead to destroy other alien spaces. It’s kind of like Surviving Mars game but further into the sci- fi zone and has a lot of the neon color scheme going on. available for purchase on Steam.
10. Sim City 4( PC)
Leaving the stylish for the last is SimCity 4. Sim City is one the stylish druthers
to City Skylines. Yes, your characters talk gibberish but it’s forfeiture. You get to make roads, construct houses, premises , entertainment spaces, and much further. It’s more like the mobile interpretation of SimCity Build It but much better in terms of plates and effects that you can actually do.
still, also SimCity 4 is perfect for a simple yet delightful experience planning out your huge dream megacity, If you do n’t watch important about story modes and other stuff like how other games in this list have. You can get the game on Steam.
Perk Game – Little Big City 2( Android)
Now, this is another City Building game from Gameloft. It’s then on this list because it’s free- to- play and is relatively delightful, to say the least. You get to start as an industrialist, specialized mogul, or artistic handworker. Grounded on what you choose, you ’ll be erecting up your megacity. And yes, you’ll be working for a mayor, and under his guidance, you’ll be developing the megacity.
There’s indeed a story mode that you can plus you can visit your friend’s megacity as well. It’s a good game but has unfortunately not been streamlined for a long time, and there’s a bunch of negative reviews about players complaining of constant crashing.
megacity- structure games are relatively delightful and a lot of them bear that you use your imagination and creativity to the loftiest situations. Surprising enough is that all the unborn megacity structure games state that the Earth by that time has come infelicitous for people to live due to colorful reasons and all that. It could be true that in 20 times or so from now we could be living on a new earth and the Earth could presumably be in the stages of tone- destruction. Anyways if you know of any megacity- structure games for mobile bias and on PC do let us know in the commentary below.
So that’s all on the list of stylish games like banished. There are numerous structure games available but these are the stylish out there. Let us know which game you like the most from the list.