Digital Marketing

Email Marketing: Performance Indicators To Follow

Open rate, bounce rate, spam rate, click rate… Like any digital channel, email offers many indicators to measure the performance of its emailing campaigns . Some indicate the quality of the email sent (open rate, click rate, etc.), while others provide information on the profitability of the campaign concerned (unsubscribe rate, conversion rate, etc.). This article is a summary of our White Paper on the KPIs of your marketing campaigns. You can get in touch with Best Email Marketing Agency in Germany

To help you see more clearly. We wanted to share with you the essential email indicators to monitor to measure the ROI of your emailing campaigns.


Opening rate

This is the ratio between the number of times an email is opened and the number of successful emails within the framework of this same operation. Among other things, it allows you to detect wear and tear phenomena in your recipient base, but also to test the contents of your subject and sender fields. However, this indicator has recently become less relevant with the deployment of iOS15, which limits the tracking of email openings among users of Apple products.

Average opening rate: between 30 and 40% depending on the sector of activity

Click rate

This is the ratio between the volume of clicks and the volume of successful emails. The click rate allows you to know the responsiveness of recipients to your message (attractive graphic design, relevant content, multiplicity of links).

Average click rate: between 1 and 5% but varies depending on the sector

Deliverability rate

This is the ratio between the number of e-mails sent and the number of e-mails actually completed. It allows you to know if the filtering of the messages sent, carried out by the ISPs, has had an impact on the good reception of your emails.

Reactivity rate

This is the ratio between the number of clickers and the number of openers. Example: a reactivity rate of 15% means that 15% of the people who opened my email clicked on the message. This rate allows you to assess the relevance between your targeting and the content of your email.

Unsubscribe rate

This is the ratio between the number of clickers on the unsubscribe link and the number of successful emails. It indicates the interest shown in the marketing campaign concerned. This rate may be higher the first time a collected database is used.

Average churn rate: between 0.1 and 0.2% but varies by sector

Thanks to the statistical reports of the emailing campaign tools, you have many marketing performance indicators to measure the different actions and interactions directly related to emailing, such as those seen above.

In 85% of cases, an e-mail campaign is sent during a time slot with high reactivity (morning from 9 am to 11 am, afternoon from 2 pm to 6 pm, then evening from 8 pm to 10 pm). Therefore, 40% of opens and clicks will be made within the first 3 hours of sending.


Performance is determined by the upstream choice of email performance indicators (opening rate, click rate, etc.) measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of emailing. Thanks to these indicators, you set quantified and measurable objectives that will affect your ROI if they are not achieved.

This involves:
– thinking ahead about your marketing objectives (for example, acquiring or retaining a database of addresses);
– actions implemented proactively with optimized resources and costs.

For example, if you want to increase the number of people who actually received your emails inbox, that is to say in their inbox and not in spam, you must focus on increasing your deliverability rate.

A large part of your marketing objectives depends on high performance indicators . If they regress or fall, it is essential to analyze them downstream but also to optimize other parameters.

In conclusion, the regular monitoring of these email indicators will allow you during your mailings. To know if your various optimizations are relevant and effective. Don’t forget also that other parameters come into play. In the performance of a campaign. Such as the correct segmentation of your targets , or the personalization of your messages.

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