Cybersecurity Versus 5G – A Brief Overview

5G is a known platform for innovation that not only improves the mobile broadcast technologies of today but also expands mobile networks to support a wide array of devices, with enhanced performance and cost optimization.
This mobile technology is expected to change the way people communicate and stream video. Yet, with opportunities come security concerns that 5G should be able to tackle. Sorry to say such networks are quite vulnerable to cyber-attacks.
Where does the issue lie?
Does the problem lie in the security of 5G itself? Experts claim that any devices which are powered by the Internet of Things (IoT) connected by 5G might potentially lack the needed security. AS per the findings of renowned global security firm Gartner, the number of devices connected to the internet would rise to more than 25 billion by 2021. We have now entered the middle of 2022.
The items and devices that connect to 5G present hackers with options that are easy to access. What is interesting is that hackers usually tend to target newer technologies because the security options in such technologies are yet to be agree upon (meaning to be decided).
This is in fact a strong example of vulnerability. Because of weak security hackers may scan thousands of devices in just a matter of minutes.
What was the Mirai Botnet attack about?
It was in 2016 that the Mirai botnet disrupted the internet through a DDoS attack. It was consider to be the largest of its kind so far. As a consequence, it infected approximately 65,000 devices in its first 20 hours.
Such an event signaled the cyber insecurity of devices running on IoT. This means that when criminals attack IoT devices, they can access personal data and this does not take much time.
Mobile devices are not the only devices connect to IoT. There are homes and systems running on 5G and unfortunately, they are also vulnerable. According to experts, these cyber-attacks can affect artificial intelligence (AI) powered items, capable of bringing down an entire mobile network to its knees.
Today, companies, telecommunications firms, and governments are working on security standards at a breakneck pace for 5G technologies. It is true that it will revolutionize digital transformation but also opens more doors for threat actors and crooks. Hence, concerns are likely to rise.
Risk factors with 5G
Experts from a London-based firm offering anti DDoS protection of the best scale have decided to explain to us the risk factors with 5G.
The exponential rise in the attack surface
A network’s attack surface is the total number of access points that can be exploite by a hacker/attacker. 5G has dynamic software-based systems that have more traffic routing points in comparison to the centralized hub and hardware-based architecture of 4G.
Multiple entry points which are not regulate can allow hackers to access the network and even access location tracking and cellular reception for users that are log in. Its architecture makes the cybersecurity practices of last year look redundant thus opening up the network to dangerous attacks.
To reduce the risk, early planning and careful investment is key. %G tech requires a whole overhaul of network security. This is not possible without monumental investment and executive support. This is a shared responsibility between both state bodies, governments, and 5G businesses.
Governmental policies should consider where the market falls short and how they can be address. Investment should be done wisely, otherwise, the problem will stick in a cybersecurity conundrum.
Security standards in IoT were once non-existent
A lot of IoT devices are being produce with cybersecurity measures that are either minimal or non-0existent. Such devices are already being use by hackers as entry points to enter enterprise networks. Today’s world is full of devices; toothbrushes, coffee machines, washing machines, and even homes are connect to 5G.
In the future, these insecure IoT devices not only will allow man-in-the-middle attacks but also could be easily compromise, even with the slightest of communication over 5G networks.
A new regulatory body is need to grade 5G and monitor it, the way the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) grades radio systems. IoT manufacturers must comply with regulatory frameworks at all costs. Low-end, medium-end, and high-end IoT device makers should follow those frameworks diligently.